Our platform

Comprehensive • Reliable • Secure


The HealthTracker™ platform is now used to track treatment response in a huge number of chronic disorders, whether rare or common, as well as to help with screening, triage and patient pathways.

We have been commissioned by both clinical and academic projects in many medical specialties. Whilst our market has mainly been EU countries, we are in the process of extending to Australia.

The HealthTracker™ platform is an enterprise level solution built on a proven, solid foundation that is adaptable and user-friendly. Quick technical support is available from HealthTracker™ software engineers, and our chosen hosting partner, Microsoft Azure. This gives you a secure, reliable and scalable product that meets your needs for efficiency, cost-effectiveness and regulatory compliance.

HealthTracker™ works with all modern web browsers on computers, smartphones or tablets, regardless of the operating system, size or make.

Unique expertise in developing online health monitoring systems for young people

The HealthTracker™ team have specific expertise in the development and delivery of developmentally appropriate outcome measures for children and adolescents. Our solutions are cost-efficient, clinically relevant, support research methodology and are well received by children and their families.

We will run focus groups, develop, test and validate unique multi-media scales, with animation and narration, designed for children and adolescents and those with learning disability.

Researchers and clinicians alike can use a range of questions, games and interactive cartoons, to accurately measure change across a wide range of symptoms, side-effects, moods, feelings and quality of life.

Our user-tested avatars also speak every piece of text, help deliver a ‘bedside manner’, and we use child actors for this -nothing else will do. They are cleverer than ever, however, and at last count were able to speak in nine languages!

Complex data- display and analysis

Through our increasing involvement in important European and national projects that seek to follow the ‘don’t use a sledgehammer to crack a nut’ principle. We have begun with lengthy online standardized questionnaires, and then through constant refinement and testing, reduced the burden to the patients, with no loss of accuracy. This involves often incorporating complex decision-making algorithms, and working with clients on unique methods of data display on the HealthTracker™ bespoke dashboards, that can of course be different for every user, even within the same project.